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Home of The Dinnages Picture Library

Dinnages offer enthusiasts and historians, UK and local books on trams, trolleybuses and railway topics, as collectables or as an aid to research into local history. With an exclusive library of historic photographs. All these transport photographs and postcards, be that of UK vintage or modern buses, trolleybuses, railway, tramway, and even Volks Railway, as well as a variety of other more topographical views (taken mainly around Brighton and the surrounding areas) are provided through our Picture Library. Stockists of a number of current and obsolete bus and railway booklets also some bus models on transport since 1989.

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Exclusive anniversary designs commissioned, and wholly owned by Dinnages Publishing

Supporting many charitable and preservation projects including The Friends of Chatham Traction

Our domain name keywords Transport Postcards highlight our interest in transport and the traditional use of postcards that were in the heyday of them as of means of communication when post could be sent and received even on the same day in local communities, and those real photo postcards have become highly collectable for those wishing to look back on a street in the early days of transport, be that of trams or horse buses, even as far along as the colour cards in the sixties of seventies. The term postcard is still used as well for the double-weight photographic material that collectors like that are not actually have a postcard divided back but are just a photographic image aimed at collectors of images of their taken interest. During the nineties we started to publish our own series of whats now called "modern postcards" being a useable, collectable glossy photographic or line-art image that somehow reflects an interest in UK transport, from tramways, railways and buses, some of which have generated proceeds for the preservation movement. The series is quite small, yet will continue over time, with an emphasis on publishing more of the photographs from our picture library based on the negatives and slides in our collection, with some unused commission artwork still on hand.

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Introduction to Dinnages Publishing

Welcome to Dinnages, a Brighton, Hove & Sussex family run, hobby based business, commenced in 1989, through postal sales, ten years retailing, and progression to online sales, providing its customers with items such as photographs, postcards, books, models, display cabinets (during our retail years), transport DVD films and whatever ephemera comes our way.

Please take time to browse all areas of our site then if you have any queries, please use the Contact Us form on our new home page. Looking towards our other outlets, Dinnages as we are, have always sold our transport & other collectables, at stalls and specialist markets, in the main being events centered around commercial vehicles, buses, trams, or railways. Between the latter end of 1990 and until the turn of the century, what started off as 'Dinnages Diecast, (that was the good lady Wife's idea), being initially traders of just diecast model cars and commercial vehicles, we soon purchased collections that came through the shop doors of books, Videos and photographs on a frequent basis. This led to becoming 'Dinnages of Brighton' until we commenced publishing our own postcards (1998) and photographs from our historic Picture Library beginings around 1993-94, hence we use our later trading name relating to our longer term aim as a publisher. The postal Photo Newsletter with its monthly offerings started in April 2009 promoting the 'Dinnages Picture Library' which quickly helped to build up the range of printed images available.
With details on our other places around the internet provided below, we can easily be found on most search engines using just our short trading name, Dinnages, although to avoid looking past unrelated links about Ford cars and such like also based in Sussex, we suggest using another keyword more related to commercial transport or public services such as Southdown or just Brighton. We have no connection with the well known dealership of Sussex, although we may have distant family links with the former owners that actually were 'Dinnage', as the original toy shop & bike shop was a Jim Dinnage! Obviously these days they just use the trading name for car sales, therefore us as a family team of Dinnages we have no conflict selling nothing similar but maybe in miniature.
A brief aside from the sales, with some self-taught skills writing web pages in the late ninties, we have provided help and assistance creating them for a variety of people and organisations usually non-profit making, and from 2016 the creation and admin of no less than sixteen Facebook Pages, with some now run by the editors on their own, with very little further input from us once getting them established. There are a few around as in all walks of life, that will not link or mention us for our enthusiasm in the free provision of Pages, yet we strive to maintain a solid ongoing base for sales of interesting items towards transport and indeed carry on providing some of our proceeds to charitable concerns and preservation projects as mentioned above.

Visitors using this site and any of our links and pages you may need to visit the link below;
All images, text and content is exclusive or used in promotional use in sales of related products
Copyright Notice © Dinnages 2000-2024

Dinnages for tram photos, trolleybus photos, bus photos, tram photographs, trolleybus photographs, bus photographs, tram postcards, trolleybus postcards, bus postcards, railway books, peter harding books, branch line railway books, Southdown Enthuasiasts Club books, Maidstone & District books, East Kent books, Train Simulators, Train Sims, Bus Driver, Truck Driver, railway driver, train driver, simulators, model buses, Southdown model buses, Brighton model buses, portsmouth bus photos, East Kent bus photos, Maidstone & District bus photos, fleet books, history books, bus booklets, club book, enthusiasts,
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