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Copyright © 2000 - 2024 · Dinnages Publishing · All rights reserved
All pages & content, (images/text/sound), on any Internet Web Site administered &/or created by Dinnages, are protected by the rules of copyright, therefore using anything from the Dinnages picture library or site pages will be an infringement of our & possibly others copyright. Views from the Dinnages Library (Est. 1993) are published as postcards & 'real photos'. All library views are available for purchase, restricted to private use and they are not to be printed from the screen, copied, distributed, published or used for any commercial purpose. Non-Profit organisations may be allowed on request, to use them on a one off members newsletter. To request a search for a particular topic, or to obtain consent to use images, use the contact feedback form on this site. A small number of views may be unavailable, as used where deemed topical, under others credit & permission where ever possible. Just as many other publishers and copyright holders, we reserve the right to charge an unauthorised reproduction fee on every image used and persue offenders! By browsing our site you agree to our terms of use, otherwise if you disgree then exit this site here or read a quick guide here.