Using Copyright Images from
Dinnages Publishing - Dinnages Picture Publishing - Dinnages Picture Library

Copyright law prohibits the copying, re-distribution, or re-transmission, in full or in part of any material on any of our sites or from what Dinnages publish in print form, be that text, or images. All content by words, paragraphs, its context and images that appear on this site are not to be stored, altered, or reproduced either electronically or by hard copy whatsoever without the written express permission of the copyright owner, agent or its assigned owner. Any unauthorized copyright infringements are actively contested under the;

Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (Amendment) Regulations 2010

This page provides information on Copyright images used with and without permission from the owners of assigned images in the library of Dinnages Publishing, Dinnages Picture Publishing, Dinnages Picture Library. Based in the City of Brighton and Hove, our picture library can be seen and purchased at events in the South of England, progressively now to be securely and watermarked online, previously offered through a postal service by Newsletter and at our premises by prior arrangement. We do not authorize by default who desires to use images from our negative library in any web pages or books. Therefore please do NOT assume! Buying an image does not allow for reuse in a book, magazine, article, web page social media or public presentation.
We have in the majority of our library of negatives and slides, a signed, witnessed legal document that provides 'Dinnages Publishing' whole and exclusive commercial use of these images. Those found to be infringing may be listed here. Those we have given permission to, some also listed, are subject to file size and agreed acknowledgement credit prior to use, being the aim as it now does, further enquiries for the rest of the library of images. Those found to be in infringement will be given notice upon first finding such material and may then to those undertaking such action, send legal letters outlining that action, asking for our costs to be paid and to provide us with all unauthorised copies made. WE do not hesitate to request that the site host remove the page/s and/or images in question, and involve the host and merchant when using money agents that an infringement has/is taking place.

As of the year 2012, after 19 years of collecting photographs and negatives, we had over 29,000 genuine original negatives and slides of UK transport, from tramways, trolleybuses, buses, Southern Uk Steam Railway, plus Light Railway lines such as the Brighton Volk's Railway, London Underground, along with some classed as local topographical views. Most negatives are either 35mm, 120, square, 'box-brownie', and a few glass plates, with the latter fragility therefore copy negs may have been created & used thereafter. The occasional view can look similar to another's when groups of enthusiasts took similar shots on touring society outings. All slides used are the originals. Where the original photographer literally disposed of some negatives, without hindsight, or have been damaged, we have had on occasions had to use an original print when its worthy. Your enquiries welcome on specific views desired or in question.

Should you know of any image clearly marked or bought from us being used anywhere, credited or not, or anyone even thinking about using an image from our library, for any kind of publication, then its best to contact us first. Our main aim is to ensure the credit we request and desire, is accurate and in total agreement with us to help promote the library and the original photographer and not to be used under an 'authors collection' caption. In accordance with other publishers we may request the removal of the image, credited or not, also when published in print, again credited or not, the publisher will be sent an unauthorized reproduction fee as do other major photographic libraries. Note that we are not just here for monetary gain itself, & worthy causes are given use as long as a request is received in the first instance in order to clarify rightful credit. There are images that have in the past been incorrectly credited & we have no way to address this some years later following our ownership of these, where we can only ask that future revisions in print might rectify this. Once an error has been made in print its not reversible, the damage has been done and credit lost to that original photographers efforts.

All images, text and layout on any web site, leaflet, flyer, promotional literature, advertising through third-parties, or booklets created by 'Dinnages Publishing' all being subject to the laws of copyright. You may not use, copy, publish or distribute any part of the material in any way whatsoever. In addition, you may not remove the image watermark or alter, manipulate, add to or delete an image or any part of an image without permission. Copyright in all the images remains with the Dinnages Picture Library and the collections it represents. By entering the site through one of the pages or links, you are indicating that you have read and accepted these conditions, in particular when making an online purchase you have to agree before you can continue to make an order and payment.
Links for further information and the study on Copyright and use of Photographs. (Links may become out of date, if so use that sites home page and try a search)

UK Legislation
Images & Copyright
Patents County Court (PCC)
UK Govt guidelines
Copyright licensing agency
Top Ten Copyright Myths
Digital watermarking
British Association of Picture Libraries and Agencies
David Saunders Photography
The Association of Photographers
British Institute of Professional Photography
Design and Artists Copyright Society
Public Domain Photos (US)

There are library images that have been gladly provided to Museums, Libraries, the transport industry, book authors, and many more...
Brighton & Hove Bus and Coach Company
Pavilion Coaches
See our full listing below for those given private licences to use our library.

These are some of the (mostly) charitable recipients we have provided images to, or as donations to;
My Brighton and Hove Brighton and Hove Community Web Site Not all are transport related.
Maidstone Trolleybus 72 Fund
Maidstone Trolleybus 56 Fund
Hastings Trolleybus Restoration Group
VERA Volks Electric Railway Association

Copyright protects any “original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression.” In the UK it is not necessary to obtain a copyright registration for the protection to exist nor is it necessary to use a © or other copyright notice for a work to be protected by copyright. Copyright protection exists from the moment a tangible work, such as text, music, drawings, photographs, and other types of works, has been created, and as such best practice work on the original artist or photographer has to have passed away 70 years before the creations are in the public domaion.

Aside from a legal point of view, there is also a moral side to publishing, in that something created by another should not be misused, recreated or displayed publicly without due and proper credit to its origins, whic in 'fair use' you do have to show your source.

'Its not the republishing but the lack of credit where credit is due'

Photographic Terms of purchase
Copyright Notice © Dinnages 2000-2019